How to Energize the Throat Chakra

How to Energize the Throat Chakra

The throat chakra is said to be the bridge between higher levels of consciousness and creative purposes of the soul. Located on the upper neck, this chakra is energetically linked to the shoulders, thyroid gland and larynx. Learn how to energize your throat chakra by reading the techniques below.


Sit in a comfortable position and center yourself. Visualize energy being pulled up from the earth through your spine and spreading throughout your body. Next picture a beam of healing energy flowing down your head and through your body. When you feel the calm flow of energy, proceed to the next step.


Awaken the heart chakra by visualizing yourself gazing into a morning sky. Visualize a shaft of light stretching from the sun out into the vastness of space. See yourself traveling along this beam of light out into the universe experiencing the wonders of space. Experience the sounds of stars and planets as they resonate within your throat chakra. When you are ready to finish the meditation, allow the shaft of light to return you back to earth.


Stimulate the chakra points in your hands and feet. With your palms facing up gently apply pressure to the area halfway down your thumb and begin massaging in a clockwise motion for about 15 seconds. Repeat this procedure with each foot locating the point halfway down the big toe.


Practice your breathing. Sit in a comfortable position and concentrate on your natural breathing rhythm for about 5 minutes to quiet your mind. When you are ready to begin, exhale all of the air from your lungs then inhale deeply through your nose, filling your lungs completely with refreshing oxygen. On the next exhalation, make a gentle humming bee sound. When you run out of breath, inhale deeply and repeat the exercise for 10 to 15 minutes.


Try the "Eh" mantra exercise. Find a comfortable position and begin to intone the Eh mantra (pronounce as in "hay"). Experiment with higher tones until you find a note that resonates within the throat chakra. Project the sound from your throat visualizing the chakra being flooded with blue light.