How to Energize the Throat Chakra

How to Energize the Throat Chakra

The throat chakra is said to be the bridge between higher levels of consciousness and creative purposes of the soul. Located on the upper neck, this chakra is energetically linked to the shoulders, thyroid gland and larynx. Learn how to energize your throat chakra by reading the techniques below.


Sit in a comfortable position and center yourself. Visualize energy being pulled up from the earth through your spine and spreading throughout your body. Next picture a beam of healing energy flowing down your head and through your body. When you feel the calm flow of energy, proceed to the next step.


Awaken the heart chakra by visualizing yourself gazing into a morning sky. Visualize a shaft of light stretching from the sun out into the vastness of space. See yourself traveling along this beam of light out into the universe experiencing the wonders of space. Experience the sounds of stars and planets as they resonate within your throat chakra. When you are ready to finish the meditation, allow the shaft of light to return you back to earth.


Stimulate the chakra points in your hands and feet. With your palms facing up gently apply pressure to the area halfway down your thumb and begin massaging in a clockwise motion for about 15 seconds. Repeat this procedure with each foot locating the point halfway down the big toe.


Practice your breathing. Sit in a comfortable position and concentrate on your natural breathing rhythm for about 5 minutes to quiet your mind. When you are ready to begin, exhale all of the air from your lungs then inhale deeply through your nose, filling your lungs completely with refreshing oxygen. On the next exhalation, make a gentle humming bee sound. When you run out of breath, inhale deeply and repeat the exercise for 10 to 15 minutes.


Try the "Eh" mantra exercise. Find a comfortable position and begin to intone the Eh mantra (pronounce as in "hay"). Experiment with higher tones until you find a note that resonates within the throat chakra. Project the sound from your throat visualizing the chakra being flooded with blue light.

How to Energize the Solar Plexus Chakra

How to Energize the Solar Plexus Chakra

The Solar Plexus chakra is linked to our ego (or emotions) which reacts to thoughts of worry, anxiety, excitement or fear. Located just above the navel, this chakra influences the integrity of our skin, digestive organs, stomach, pancreas, liver and endocrine glands. What follows are energy techniques designed to charge the Solar Plexus chakra.


Sit in a comfortable position and center yourself. Visualize energy being pulled up from the earth through your spine and spreading throughout your body. Next picture a beam of healing energy flowing down your head and through your body. When you feel the calm flow of energy, proceed to the next step.


Picture yourself in a beautiful field where the sun's rays bring healing warmth to your body. Focus on the Solar Plexus chakra and imagine a golden ball of sunlight filling the area and energizing your whole body. Allow the nurturing light to go wherever you may feel pain or sickness. Continue this exercise for 10 to 20 minutes noting any changes that you feel.


Stimulate the chakra points in your hands and feet. With your palms facing up gently apply pressure to the first metacarpal bone located under your thumb (midway up your thenar eminence) and begin massaging in a clockwise motion. Repeat this procedure with each foot locating the point where the cuneiform bone meets the navicular bone (middle of the sole).


Practice your breathing. Sit in a comfortable position and concentrate on your natural breathing rhythm for about 5 minutes to quiet your mind. When you are ready, send the mental command "Get Out!" to anything negative that you are holding in your Solar Plexus chakra. See your negative emotions being carried away as you forcefully exhale. Repeat until all unwanted emotions are cleared from your body.


Try the "Aw" mantra exercise. Find a comfortable position and begin to intone the Aw mantra (pronounce as in "core"). When you are out of breath, inhale deeply and repeat the mantra finding a tone that resonates in the Solar Plexus chakra.

How to Energize the Sacral Chakra

How to Energize the Sacral Chakra

According to Pauline Wills, the Sacral chakra governs our love hate relationships and is the centre for pleasure including our love of food, drink and material goods. Located between the pubis and navel, this chakra influences the vitality of our reproductive organs, skin, kidneys and adrenal glands. What follows are methods designed to help charge the Sacral chakra.


Sit in a comfortable position and center yourself. Visualize energy being pulled up from the earth through your spine and spreading throughout your body. Next picture a beam of healing energy flowing down your head and through your body. When you feel the calm flow of energy, proceed to the next step.


Awaken the Sacral chakra by visualizing a beam of orange light entering your body through your feet, moving up your legs and filling your Sacral chakra. As you exhale, picture the energy radiating from your Sacral chakra to your aura. Perform this exercise for 5 to 10 minutes noting any sensations (vibrations or heat) or until the exercise feels complete.


Stimulate the chakra points in your hands and feet. With your palms up, find the metacarpal bone at the base of the thenar eminence. Exert pressure on the area by gently massaging the point in a clockwise motion. Repeat this procedure with each foot locating the point where the navicular bone meets the heel bone.


Practice your breathing. Sit in a comfortable position and concentrate on your natural breathing rhythm for about 5 minutes to quiet your mind. Begin by breathing out and contracting your abdomen to rid your lungs of as much air as possible. Hold the out breath to a count of 2, then breathe in to the count of 7, relaxing your abdomen and filling it completely with air. Hold your breath in for the count of 2, then exhale to the count of 7. Repeat this exercise for 5 to 10 minutes taking note of the effect it has on your Sacral chakra.


Try the "Ooo" mantra exercise. Find a comfortable position and begin to intone the Ooo (as in "you") mantra by rounding your lips and exhaling the mantra until you are out of breath. Make your intonation gentle, noticing where the sound resonates in your body. Experiment until you find a tone that vibrates in your abdomen. Then project the tone into your Sacral chakra as you continue the exercise.

How to Energize the Heart Chakra

How to Energize the Heart Chakra

The heart chakra is said to be the center of balance and equilibrium influencing the health of our respiratory, immune and circulatory systems. Energizing this chakra allows us to transcend our physical self and connect with unconditional love. Use the following techniques to energize and familiarize yourself with the heart chakra.


Sit in a comfortable position and center yourself. Visualize energy being pulled up from the earth through your spine and spreading throughout your body. Next picture a beam of healing energy flowing down your head and through your body. When you feel the calm flow of energy, proceed to the next step.


Awaken the heart chakra by visualizing yourself sitting in a dense forest with your back against a tree. See the myriad shades of green being displayed by the leaves surrounding you. Breathe in this rich color imagining it filling and cleansing your heart chakra. Be aware of any emotions being released as you perform this meditation. Continue this exercise for 10 to 20 minutes until your chakra is cleared of all emotional trauma.


Stimulate the chakra points in your hands and feet. With your palms facing up, gently apply pressure to the area where the second phalanx (bone) of your thumb meets the metacarpal bone and begin massaging in a clockwise motion for about 15 seconds. Repeat this procedure with each foot locating the point where the first metatarsal bone meets the phalanx.


Practice your breathing. Sit in a comfortable position and concentrate on your natural breathing rhythm for about 5 minutes to quiet your mind. When you are ready, visualize your heart inside of a circle. With each breath, begin to expand the circle as if you were gently blowing up a balloon. When the circle reaches a size comfortable for you, imagine a person who has recently shown you love. Feel the wonderful emotions associated with this relationship as you return their love through your heart chakra. Complete the meditation by coming back to your natural rhythmic breathing and reducing the circle to its original size.


Try the "Ah" mantra exercise. Find a comfortable position and begin to intone the Ah mantra (pronounce as in "car"). Visualize your heart chakra surrounded with a circle of protection created by the previous exercise. When you are out of breath, inhale deeply and repeat the mantra finding a tone that resonates in the heart chakra.

How to Energize the Crown Chakra

How to Energize the Crown Chakra

The crown chakra is an energy field linked to the nervous system, brain and pineal gland. Located just above the crown of the head, this chakra is said to be the link between body and soul. What follows are energy techniques designed to charge the crown chakra.


Sit in a comfortable position and center yourself. Visualize energy being pulled up from the earth through your spine and spreading throughout your body. Next picture a beam of healing energy flowing down your head and through your body. When you feel the calm flow of energy, proceed to the next step.


Picture a shaft of white light entering your crown chakra and flowing like liquid energy throughout your entire body. Continue this exercise for 10 to 20 minutes, noting any changes that you feel.


Stimulate the chakra points in your hands and feet. With your palms facing down, gently apply pressure to the area on the end and tip of your thumb. Massage clockwise for 20 to 30 seconds. Repeat this procedure with each foot, locating the point on the end and tip of your big toe.


Meditate with a candle. Light a candle and sit in a comfortable position. Concentrate on your natural breathing rhythm for 5 minutes to quiet your mind. When you are ready, focus on the candle flame until your eyes tire. Close your eyes and try to see the candle in your mind's eye. When the picture fades, open your eyes and return your focus to the flame. The goal for this meditation is to remain focused on the candle as long as possible without breaking your concentration. Continue this meditation for 20 minutes.

How To Make an Easy Tiered Skirt

How To Make an Easy Tiered Skirt

Tiered skirts can be made fitted if you want a more professional look or simply want to show off your lower abdomen. You also can wear them loose if you want a more casual or costume look, or simply want something that will flatter multiple shapes. This style is easy to make and has a very attractive end product.

Things You'll Need:



Measuring Tape

Sewing machine

Hand sewing needle

Paper clip or safety pin

Drawstring material, preferably ribbon or thin cord


Measure the circumference of where you want the waist to hang, then divide by six. If you want the skirt to be fitted, add 1/2 inch to each. If you want the skirt to be loose, add 2 inches to each. This measurement will be the top of your tiers. The bottom of the tiers will measure 30 inches.


Lay the fabric out, and measure thirty inches on one side, then the measurement for the top of your skirt. Do this three times so there are three measurements for the top marked and three for the bottom. On the other side measure to 15 inches, and make this the center of the top of one of your panels. Count half the distance to each side, and mark both. Then measure thirty and then the top of your tier, and do this until you have three of each on that side as well again measuring 30. This side should end with the 30 mark.


Fold the fabric on the first markers, and slice along the fold. Then fold the fabric at the next marker, and slice. Do this until you are done with all markers. You should end with six tiers measuring your predetermined waist panel length on one side and 30 on the other. You will have extra fabric, the remaining half-straight and half-angled piece is scrap fabric.


Next you will place the tiers face together, sewing seams together one by one with all panels facing the same direction. You should end with a rough skirt shape.


Make the hems. Fold the bottom in to make a 1/2-inch hem, then fold the top to make a 1 1/2-inch waistband. Iron both folds, as you make them to ensure they are defined. Next sew the hems, keeping the stitches the same length from the edge all the way around.


Cut the eyelets one on an inch from either side of the center of the skirt. Take your threaded hand sewing needle, and pierce the insight of the eyelet from the inside. Bring the needle back to the inside, and pierce again so that there is a loop of thread creating a border around the eyelet. This will decrease fraying and give it a more professional look.


Thread the ribbon, cord or other drawstring material through the skirt via the eyelets. Then cut about 6 inches longer than the top of the skirt, and you are done.

Tips & Warnings

When picking your fabric, it is a good idea to hold it up to yourself to see how it drapes. Stiff fabric can make a skirt less comfortable and less attractive.

Wrinkle testing the fabric is also a good idea. Crumple the fabric tightly in your hand for 20 seconds. If the wrinkles are acceptable for you wear, then the fabric should be good for you. Wrinkled fabric is less comfortable and falls in a less attractive way.

Fabric length is based on the three times the top panel length and 90 for the three bottom panel lengths plus about 10 inches. This will likely be around 3 yards.

The more you iron the pieces before sewing, the more professional the skirt you will make.

Thread the drawstring piece with one end with a safety pin or paper clip, and slowly work through the skirt.

How to Make an Easy Paneled Skirt

How to Make an Easy Paneled Skirt

An easy paneled skirt can flatter your shape. Depending on the fabric you choose, you can make a casual day-to-day skirt or a fancy skirt for events and costumes. Just follow these steps.

Things You'll Need:



Measuring tape

Ribbon, thin cord or other waistband material

Sewing machine

Hand sewing needle



Measure around the widest part of your hips, as well as how long you want the easy paneled skirt to be, then divide by three and add an inch to each layer. The width will let you know how wide you want each panel to be. 45-inch fabric works well for many, but you may prefer 60. If you want smaller than 45 or between 45 and 60, cut only the top layer to be the size you prefer. If you are a petite person, make 6 layers of 45-inch fabric total; if you are not, make seven.


Lay your fabric out, and make small incisions on the side at each marker. You can then fold the fabric to line up the incisions, and simply cut across to create a smaller rectangle.


Line up the outside of one layer to its other side; and sew together. Then light up the outside of two layers, and sew together the edges. Then one by one, connect three or four (depending on your size). You should end with layers that get progressively larger.


Iron a defined 1/2-inch fold for the hem and a 1 1/2-inch fold for the waistband. If you iron the fold thoroughly, you will not need pins and will get an easy and professional-looking hem.


Pick the side of the skirt to be the front. If you are inexperienced in gathering, there could be imperfections, but these likely will not show when you wear the dress. If you are more comfortable, you can put them in the back where the skirt flows more easily (because your legs do not push against it when you walk). After choosing, fold the skirt in half and cut 2 approximately 1/2-inch slits an inch from the centerpoint of your fold.


Use your hand needle to loop from the inside through the fabric. Then wrap back around to the inside of the holes to create a border on the edges. This prevents fraying and gives the skirt a finished look.


Cut your ribbon, cord or other drawstring material about 6 inches longer than the waist of the skirt. Thread the drawstring material through the holes. Done.

Tips & Warnings

You will need to wrinkle-test the fabric and check the edge for fraying before you make the easy paneled skirt. Crumple some up in your hand for 20 seconds or so. Then see how much it wrinkes.

If you find bumps in the gathered area, simply rip them carefully, cutting the thread as you go and resew.

If your gathering doesn't line up, keep carefully ripping the beginning as you approach it until it matches.

To easily thread the waistband, attach a paper clip or safety pin and slide the fabric around it in small movements.

Fabrics can surprise you. A good way to judge is to hold it up to your body, and see how it drapes. It varies depending on your size, but you will likely want about 3 yards of either 45- or 60-inch fabric. Add the numbers from the first step to be sure.

How to Make an Earring Remover

How to Make an Earring Remover

Stud earrings that get stuck in your ear are often painful to remove. This earring remover give you an easy way to get the studs out of your ear without any pain. An earring remover takes about 10 minutes to build and even less time to remove the painful stud.

Things You'll Need:


1 wing nut

2 flat metal hooks

1 machine bolt


Drill a hole in each wing of the wing nut. The hole needs to be big enough for the hook to slide through. If you cannot find flat metal hooks, use industrial-sizes staples instead.


Slide one end of the hook through a hole in the wing nut. Bend the side down to hold it in place. Repeat for the other side of the wing nut.


Drill one small hole in the middle of the end of the machine bolts. Screw the wing nut onto the end of the bolt about 1 inch from its base.


Hook the loops of the earring back onto the hooks on the wing nut. Line up the hole in the machine nut with the stem of the earring. Screw slowly backwards until the back of the earring slides off the back of the stud. Once the back is off the earring, push the stem of the stud through the ear to remove the earring.

Tips & Warnings

This earring remover does stress the earlobe or the earring.

If your ear is infected when you remove your earring, treat the ear with alcohol or peroxide.

How to Make an Earring Holder

How to Make an Earring Holder

If you are continually searching for missing earrings, here's a solution. This earring holder provides an easy way to keep those baubles organized. It takes less than half an hour to make.

Things You'll Need:

1 grease splatter





Purchase a grease splatter. A grease splatter is a round, metal, mesh device with a handle. It is used to reduce the amount of grease that splatters from a pan. They are available at dollar stores and kitchen supply stores.


Drill a small hole into the middle of the handle. The hole should be big enough for the screw to fit through.


Find a stud in the wall and secure the grease splatter to it with a small screw. Put the screw through the hole and into the wall.


Bend the handle out from the wall until it is parallel with the floor. Bend the splatter screen up until it is parallel with the wall.


Place the earring stems through the holes in the mesh and attach the backs through the other side of the screen.

Tips & Warnings

Hang necklaces around the handle of the earring holder.

To make an earring holder that sits on a table, fold the handle back. Place something heavy on top of the handle to hold it down.

Spray paint the earring holder to match the room it will be placed in.

How to Make an Earring Holder on the Cheap

How to Make an Earring Holder on the Cheap

This is a cute, practical way to store all of your dangly



Things You'll Need:

An empty picture frame

Heavy stockings in a fun pattern or color

How to Make an Earring Holder on the Cheap


Remove the back of your picture frame, and then remove the glass that would normally protect the photo.


Cut your stocking down to double the height of your glass. Try to use the widest part of the stocking.


Slide the glass right into the pocket of the stocking, leaving a bit of fabric on the top and bottom of your piece of glass.


Fold the excess fabric over on one side of the glass, and secure it with a heavy tape or other adhesive.


Return the glass to the frame, replace the back, and you're ready to go! You can hook your dangly earrings into the holes in the fabric and let them hang neatly in pairs.

How to Make an Apron

How to Make an Apron

You can learn how to sew your very own aprons with solid colors or plaid colors or sew unique designs. You can make aprons for kids or for the whole family. Holiday time you can make red and green aprons or add adornments to personalize your pattern.

Things You'll Need:

Pattern for adult or a child

Fabric select color and thread to match



sewing machine

How to make aprons


Pull out your pattern and select the one you need. Make sure you understand your pattern.


Lay out your fabric and then pin the pattern to your fabric.


Then cut out your apron and the ties.


Thread the sewing machine then sew the apron and the ties. If you desire, pinch out the pockets and then place on apron and sew on the pockets.

Tips & Warnings

Make sure when you are selecting the fabric check to see if it is washable or not.

How to Make an Aluminum Ring

How to Make an Aluminum Ring

Whether you need a last minute ring to match your wardrobe or want to craft a piece uniquely your own, making an aluminum ring isn't time consuming or difficult and you don't need professional design skills or


crafting tools to make a fashion statement.

Things You'll Need:

Aluminum foil

Small pliers (optional)

Ring craft accessories (optional)


Tear off a strip of aluminum foil approximately 2 inches wide and the length of the box.


Fold the aluminum foil lengthwise several times until you have reached an aluminum strip width slightly wider than your desired ring width. Smooth out each fold before moving on to the next, as this will strengthen the foil so that the ring doesn't bend out of shape easily.


Wrap the thin aluminum strip around your chosen ring finger to gauge the ring size. Cut or rip away the remainder.


Grasp the ring-sized aluminum strip at the center and twist lightly taking care to not rip the foil or bend it into a sharp edge. Continue twisting on one side, tighter with each twist, until you've reached one end of the strip. Return to the center and repeat on the opposite side.


Bend the twisted aluminum strip around your finger into the shape of a ring. You now have an aluminum foil ring. You can also use pliers to twist together the two ends or leave the ends open to make the ring re-sizable for other fingers.


Attach optional ring craft accessories (a small faux gemstone or rhinestone) to the twisted metal to add a bit of sparkle to the silvery surface.

Tips & Warnings

Never wear an aluminum foil ring that has a sharp edge.